How to Reduce the Number of Times You Forget Something Every Day

When you think about your daily life, there are undoubtedly things you could change to make life easier. Reorder the apps on your phone to make the ones you use the most accessible, for example, or specify where you can leave your keys and wallet when you get home so you stop losing them.

We’ve all heard stories about Mark Zuckerberg and former President Obama modernizing his wardrobe so there is one less worry every day. Design director at Work & Co. writes on Medium . Fabrizio Teixeira, thinking about some design issues can be useful in everyday life as well.

For example, mark when you forget something and then develop a fix for that if it matters to you. How can you make you forget less?

“Set monthly reminders to pay bills, yearly reminders for the birthdays of loved ones, or even daily reminders for more mundane tasks,” Teixeira writes. “It only takes a minute and can save you a lot of nerves and energy afterwards.”

Other questions to ask yourself, according to Teixeira: How can you reduce the number of decisions you have to make throughout the day? How can you free your brain of all the information around you and focus on the task at hand?

Once you start asking yourself these questions, you can start implementing solutions. It points to the dock on your computer as one such location. Are there tons of apps out there that you never use? Leave only the necessary ones.

Likewise, group the apps on your phone that you don’t use on a daily basis from your home screen and turn off that little red notification icon . It will only distract you. He’s writing:

See the world around you through the eyes of a designer. Are there too many pictures on the living room wall? Are there too many items on your desk? Too many apps on your phone’s home screen? Analyze every environment you interact with throughout the day and ask yourself the question: What can I remove from here to open more breathing room for my eyes and brain?

Take time this week / weekend to make informed choices about your environment. You don’t have to be a designer to reap the benefits.


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