Check the Weather for Your Daily Routine With This App

iOS: There are many apps you can use to check the weather in the morning, including the ones that come built into your smartphone by default. If you’re using an iPhone, I recommend checking out A Weather Way , a cute little app that lets you see the impact of the weather on your typical daily routines.

(More importantly, A Weather Way helps you create a daily routine, which can be the extra motivation your lazy self might need to go to the gym, buy groceries, or do any other annoying thing you don’t like every week. .)

To see your current weather conditions, including a handy little tip that will tell you when you hit daily highs and lows, all you have to do is click on the app. You get temperatures, a quick forecast, and an always helpful indicator of “how it really feels outside,” as cold winds can definitely make your cold day even more unpleasant.

Right below it, you’ll see a nice little graphical timeline that shows conditions and temperatures throughout your day – also color-coded. Scrolling to the right gives you a great visual indicator of how weather conditions might affect what you usually do that day. (When you’re waiting for the bus or train, facing a sudden pouring rain is never fun.) You can even have different daily routines for different places if you really want to make a difference in your life.

You can edit your daily routines as much as you like in the free version of the app, and each day can have its own set of icons and times – useful if you always slip away a little earlier on Fridays or need to see what the weather might be like. like playing soccer on the weekend, for example. In the free version of the app, you only get a basic set of drag-and-drop icons on your timelines (via Settings), but paying a one-time $ 2 fee to unlock its premium features will get rid of ads and get more graphics. can be used to indicate different periods of the day.

The app also integrates this visual timeline into a widget for those who prefer to swipe right to see their day rather than launch the app. You will receive 10 hours of information starting from the current time:


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