Take the FiveThirtyEight Scientific Personality Test

Twinning completed; the meme “I am ten years ago versus me now” will end by Friday; It’s time for a new fad of self-obsession to fill up our social media feeds. It’s time to run the new FiveThirtyEight personality quiz , based on the personality traits of the Big Five. Unlike tests like the Myers-Briggs tests , the Big Five concept is based on decades of scientific research.

FiveThirtyEight explained the Big Five’s research last year, but now they have published their own. They say that a good test uses declarative statements and answers from strongly agree to strongly disagree. He doesn’t try to probe your soul with magical questions, asking for your favorite color or which tree represents your hopes for the future. It returns results that place you on a spectrum, rather than assigning you one personality type like Myers-Briggs (or Hogwarts sorting hat).

So take the FiveThirtyEight test and share it with your friends. You will need to take a screenshot of your results or use the site’s built-in tool to create a group link that you can share with your friends, family, or colleagues – anyone whose personality you want to criticize in the guise of quiz analysis. Results. Mine is higher. Drag me.

Most quizzes are junk science. Take what is not. | Five thirty eight


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