Did Your Student Loan Specialist Give You Incorrect Loan Information?

One piece of advice Lifehacker gives in just about every post on student loans is to make sure you track all your payments and double check that your support staff hasn’t messed up your information or repayment progress. It has become so common for these institutions to spoil the process they have been assigned to carry out that we just take it for granted that it will.

Of course, this means that you are suffering. Regardless of whether you do not notice the mistake when it was first made, or you have to spend hours of your time correcting someone else’s mistake, the responsibility for ensuring that your service center does not deceive you often falls on you, the borrower.

Has this happened to you? Has your service center messed up payments or your other information (such as interest rate or loan balance, or they pushed you towards a more expensive repayment plan )? What did you do to correct the mistake? Let us know in the comments, or better yet, email me at alicia.adamczyk@lifehacker.com . I would like to hear from you.


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