January Fitness Challenge: Jump Rope

When we asked what you liked about last year’s fitness challenges , many of you responded that you enjoyed having something new to add to your daily routine. So, we’ll continue to tackle the challenges in 2019 highlighting some of the underrated exercises you should know.

First: the jump rope! Just a short jump will make your heart beat faster, making it a great cardio option for HIIT or circuit training. Boxers will jump rope for a few minutes as a cardio exercise, but if you’re new to this exercise, start with 30 seconds at a time and see how you feel. (Tomorrow I’ll have calf pain and I don’t think I’ll be the only one.)

Which rope do I need?

Any kind will do first. I have one for $ 5 at Target that has a gadget in its pen to count your jumps. The device broke instantly, but the rope still works! Ropes made for the playground can squeak or annoy, but if you’ve done a few jumps and you’re okay, you’re done.

If you’re looking to buy a rope specifically for fitness, consider one of the thinnest, lightest skipping ropes for crossfitters and boxers alike. The thinner the rope, the faster it can fly through the air. This means you are more likely to double out when you swing the rope twice for each jump.

How long should it be?

Stand in the middle of the rope and pull the handles up towards your shoulders. The top of the handles should be at about armpit level. The longer rope (at shoulder height) is suitable for beginners, but if you want the rope to move very quickly, you may prefer it slightly below armpit level. You will understand this as you progress.

All fitness ropes are adjustable, so set it to a comfortable length. Kids’ jump ropes can be too short, so keep this in mind if you’re shopping at a toy store.

I have a rope, now what?

Just check it out this week. Try jumping for 30 seconds (or 50 if you want to count) and then rest. If you’re doing workouts that include push-ups and the like, jumping rope is a good way to get your heart to beat faster between sets. Give it a try and we’ll be back with others next week.


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