What Are Your Fitness and Health Goals for 2019?

You guys rocked 2018 , so I can’t wait to see what comes next. Are you going to run more? Raise more? Eat Better?

I like to think of goals for the year as an annual plan . What will you do this spring, this summer, this fall? When December comes again, what achievements would you like to have under your belt?

But be realistic. What small changes can you make ? For example, if you are currently running, you can add a little mileage. If you’ve been lifting weights without a specific plan, find a good exercise program and start working towards specific goals.

We’ve said for a long time that good goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (“SMART goals”), so check your goals every month or quarter. Could you take body measurements every month? Check your exercises for one rep max once a quarter? Write down how many miles do you run each week?

There are only a few days left until the New Year, so now is the time to complete these goals. What are you aiming for? And what is your plan to get there?


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