Call Santa and Leave Him a (Free) Message

One of the great things about living in such a technologically safe time is that our children benefit from the ease and immediacy with which they can connect with Santa.

They don’t have to wait in long, winding lines at the mall for a short time. They don’t need to learn to read and write so they can send him a letter defending their behavior over the past 12 months and detailing the 25 toys they hope he will bring them.

Now they can just call and leave him a message.

From now until Christmas, kids can call Santa ‘s 24/7 hotline and leave him a personal voice message.

The service is available through and they offer this video of a ridiculously adorable baby calling. The phone number from the USA is (605) 313-4000, but the hotline website has a list of numbers to call from different countries and languages.

Children who call will hear a recorded message from Santa Claus, which begins with the words “Hoh ho ho, Merry Christmas! This is Santa Claus, and you contacted my personal hotline. We’ve been very busy making all these toys to deliver on Christmas morning … “

With a beep, your child can leave a message for Santa. And if you call from your mobile phone, you will receive a text message from Santa Claus with a copy of the recording you want to listen to or share.


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