Let’s Talk About Our 2018 Fitness Achievements

Around this time last year, many of us set fitness goals for the year. I asked readers to weigh in here if you plan on learning new, gaining or losing weight, or trying a race or competition.

And you had great goals! We’ve heard from people who just wanted to develop a sustainable exercise habit, who wanted to compete in powerlifting, who wanted to cycle faster, who wanted to build a home gym, and more.

Now 2018 is almost over. Whether you have explicitly stated your goal or not, I would love to hear how your year went! If you have reached your goal or are close to it, be sure to tell us about it. How have you become a different person in terms of fitness from who you were at this time last year?

But even if you fail, there is a lot to talk about. What have you learned from experience? What did you do right? Chances are, you are still improving in some way, or at least learning a thing or two about yourself or what makes a goal good.

Then come back next week when we talk about setting fitness goals for 2019.


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