Buy a Dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts for $ 1 on Wednesday

Krispy Kreme makes it easy to spread the festive mood through your office tomorrow by offering a dozen of their original glazed donuts for just a dollar.

Wednesday is the annual Dozen Krispy Kreme Day . “ To celebrate 12/12 (okay?), The Company is offering a dozen donuts for $ 1 with a dozen more donuts of any kind at the regular price.

The deal is limited to two discounted boxes per person, so if you have a large office you might as well bring a friend along.

And if you’ve never been to Krispy Kreme on promotion day, keep in mind: there will be a queue. Probably long. So you’ll want to give yourself a little more time in the morning if you’re planning to check into the office.

If you get there and the line is too long, Panera will continue to offer its free bagel a day promotion for the rest of the year, which could be a slightly healthier alternative to breakfast.


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