Quickly Find Out If a Shared News Is Out of Date With This Chrome Extension

Over the past year, all (well, most of us at least) have become a little more skeptical about what we read on the news, especially on social media.

In my Facebook group of friends, one huge source of misinformation seems to be old news, not inaccurate news.

For example, last week a friend of mine posted this video ofsomeone singing “Stand By Me” to Trump with some ill-conceived rewritten lyrics. Regardless of your political affiliation, this is pretty awful.

A friend posted a video along with an undated news article, and dozens of people flocked to the comment section to discuss how inappropriate X, Y, or Z were displayed.

Digging around a bit, it turns out that the story was actually two years old, and that horrible musical hiatus occurred during Trump’s presidential race, not after his victory.

The person who shared it had no idea.

SureOrNot is a Chrome extension that can help you point out such news issues . When he discovers that the story is on the older side, he labels it as such. This will help you understand that something is not as relevant as you think it is.

In an effort to avoid “fake” or wrong news on social media, this can be a quick and easy way to make you a little more informed while you are browsing your news feed.


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