Determine If Amazon Product Reviews Are Legal Using This Site

Now is the time for holiday shopping, which means we are all probably buying a lot more than usual. When you shop online, online reviews can be a great tool for determining if the gift you are about to buy is the best one or not. However, there are tons of fake and paid reviews these days that muddy the water a bit when it comes to getting reliable information about the product you are buying.

If you are researching reviews and are trying to get a feel for the product, there are several things you can do to determine if the reviews are fake or real.

If you shop on Amazon, the Review Meta site can analyze reviews for a specific product and you can decide which one to trust. To use the site, you just need to copy and paste the url of the item in question into the search bar.

If he has already analyzed the product reviews, you will immediately see the results. Otherwise, the site will immediately analyze it, which may take several minutes.

For example, when looking at a camera I was interested in on Amazon, it was determined that out of 239 reviews on Amazon, 219 reviews for the camera were legitimate. This earned him a Pass rating. The revised review score based on legitimate reviews only retained the review rating as well, so this is probably a fair estimate.

The site also digs a little deeper and lists reviews that it thinks you should read, as well as those that are likely fake.

A worrying sign for the site is people who have only viewed this product on Amazon. For those looking to see if their ratings differ greatly from other reviewers. For my camera, “one miracle” gave it a 3, while other more frequent reviewers gave it a 4.6.

The site also checks to see if the reviewers are using the same phrases, indicating that they may have received a “script” from the company that paid them to review. It also checks to see if the purchases were confirmed through Amazon and were created on a “high volume day,” when multiple people were browsing the product around the same time, suggesting that the reviews may have been part of a campaign of some kind.

If you, like me, are a meticulous reader of reviews, the entire report can be useful either to convince yourself that you are making a good purchase or to convince yourself that you might want to continue shopping.


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