What to Donate for Thanksgiving (Except Money)

We’ve found that food pantries can make the best use of cash — they can stretch it even further and buy the most appropriate items for their customer base. If for whatever reason you are unable or unwilling to do so for whatever reason, there are some more helpful ways to donate this holiday season.

Author Carrie Ann DiRisio shared a very helpful Twitter thread about what to donate based on her own experience at the food bank. As we said before, DiRisio affirms that money is the best thing to give. She also admits that people often don’t like it for various reasons. Here are some things to think about if you need to hand over carefully wrapped care bags or leftover freezer contents.

Think about who it’s going to

Your tastes may not match the tastes of the general population, and unfortunately, most of this food is essential for hungry children. Children are known to be picky about what they eat, so buy what they like.

“In general, think about children and old people. Fancy / super-trendy things like quinoa may not be welcome, like star-studded chicken soup. Parents need to convince their children to eat whatever they get from the pantry, ”writes DiRisio.

She adds that many pantries cater to immigrants or refugees, so consider the regional preferences of this community. They may share your tastes or others – just think about it when shopping and make sure you are not fulfilling your own wishlist.

Some funny things are good

But this does not mean that everything should be tasteless. DiRisio said donating things like frosting and cake mix is ​​a good gesture because it means a parent can make a birthday cake. She also says that treats are always welcome:

Something “special”: chocolate. Unusual pasta sauce. Really nice cookie box. Think of all the reasons you “pamper yourself” with luxury, from breakup to celebration, and remember how everyone feels.

And don’t forget the spices! If the parents take chicken and stars for the child, they may want sriracha for themselves. Good spices can turn a very simple dish into something special.

Ease of eating

In this case, food that is easy to prepare and has a long shelf life is preferable. Not everyone has electricity or an easy way to cook dried foods that require boiling. Good things like a muesli bar and fruit cups, anything that lasts a long time on the shelf and that you can eat at any time. DiRisio also offers instant tea or coffee, adding that ease of preparation makes a big difference in the lives of older people.

“I was told that the elderly especially appreciate decaffeinated instant coffee. For them, it can help them to communicate, ie the opportunity to invite a friend for coffee, ”she explains.

Food for people with dietary needs

Grocery pantry shoppers have many of the same food allergy and sensitivities issues as everyone else, but they rarely sacrifice. DiRisio says “kosher / gluten-free / vegan / nut-free foods,” as well as low sodium / sugar versions of regular foods like peanut butter or tuna, are in high demand in pantries.

Other subjects

There are many non-food items that are desperately needed in pantries. Large – diapers:

Other suggestions include sturdy reusable bags, hygiene products, tampons and pads, cooking oil, soaps and cleaning products. You can also donate pet food, but check the pantry you donate to first, as not all of them will take it.

But donate money first.


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