Keep Track of Black Friday Gaming Deals With These Two Incredible Tables

It’s that time again. Dust off your credit card, smash that piggy bank, and get ready to pick up every game console, new game, or weird little accessory you can get your hands on. Black Friday is almost here. And instead of mindlessly surfing the internet for hours looking for the best deals, make your life easier this year with two awesome deal tracking spreadsheets from members of the Cheap Ass Gamer forum.

While I love all the money a person can save on important purchases this shopping season, I hate scouring the internet to make sure I’m not missing out on an even better deal than what I’ve already found. With this first spreadsheet published by ThatOneGuyWho , you’ll get a quick and easy-to-browse list of all major consoles , games and accessories deals already verified by a number of major retailers.

A spreadsheet makes it incredibly easy to cross-reference prices. You can quickly see that the $ 230 Xbox One S Minecraft BJ Kit isn’t all that great, like when many other retailers are planning to get it for $ 200. More importantly, the table will help you create a more effective battle plan. If a place sells out at a bargain price, you can quickly come up with a second, third, or fourth option to try and get the same play equipment at the same price elsewhere.

I also liked the incredible amount of work that the dedicated deal tracker StryderOmega puts into its spreadsheets. You will find many of the same trades used across the two spreadsheets, but it always seemed to me that the StryderOmega spreadsheet was the “advanced mode” of purchases for Black Friday games.

For example, StryderOmega does a great job of creating custom filtered tabs for each console. So, if you’re only interested in games for your Nintendo Switch, you can focus on this tab and ignore everything else. There’s even a section for PCs, as well as sections for DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K movies – if you’re looking to add some entertainment to your gaming shopping list. Finally, StryderOmega adds a changelog so you can check what has been added to the spreadsheet since the last time you viewed it.

Whichever spreadsheet you use – and if you are a true Black Friday aficionado, you will use both – you will save a lot of time by not looking for all the offers yourself. However, you will still want to do a little additional research and look at Amazon deals as I haven’t seen them in this year’s spreadsheets (or even StryderOmega’s spreadsheet from last year). It never hurts to be careful.


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