Think for One Damn Second Before You React to People.

Nathan W. Pyle, the author of the famous New York etiquette cartoons , gives you all advice if you shut up for one hell of a second. This is actually a hint: when someone says something and now it’s your turn to speak, and you’re ready to emotionally respond and escalate the conversation, perhaps keep your big mouth shut for just a moment. You can do it? Here’s Nathan’s multi-part Instagram post if you can bother clicking on it and drawing someone else’s attention at least once:

Nathan’s advice, originally posted on BuzzFeed , went viral on Instagram because thousands of people stopped saying “me, me, me” for a tiny amount of time and realized, “Oh, maybe I should take this.” Coincidentally, this is the second part of this tip.

When Nathan pauses in conversation, he thinks about his own belief system and the other person’s belief system, and how they might be responsible for any perceived disagreement. Then he thinks about how to reconcile these two coordinate systems through harmonious discussion, instead of disagreeing immediately.

This is simple advice, but it’s a good reminder because we could all be a little less quick in arguments, a little more understanding of each other, and not so impatient to get in each other’s faces, right? Right? Do you have a buddy? Are you even listening?

OK. Thanks a lot!


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