How to Remove Halloween Face Makeup Easily

You did it. You’ve gone through all the Halloween celebrations – school party and parade, dressing up and changing costumes, treating or treating, negotiating the consumption of candy – without any major setbacks.

But now, moments before your kids collapse in a sugared but drained pile of emotions, you need to remove makeup from your face. Your green-faced Hulk and white-faced vampire need a good scrub before bed, but the last thing you want to do is make you cry.

Not all face colors and makeup are the same; some will obey you more easily than others. But these three steps should defeat most of your makeup without causing long-term resentment:

First: Baby shampoo

Start with a simple, soapy wash with warm water. First, wet your face and then lather the soap with your fingers. Baby shampoo works best if you have it on hand.

Next: oil

If that’s not entirely true, dab some oil (baby or coconut oil is great) on a cotton pad and rub over stubborn stains. The paint adheres to the oil and slips off immediately.

Finally: napkins

If you still have a few problem areas (the eyelids can be especially tricky), wipe them down with regular baby wipes. The wipes penetrate these delicate stains more easily without causing irritation to the skin or eyes.


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