Sign up to Watch Next Week’s Mac Event in the Apple Store

Apple likes to call its press conferences holiday events. And while, admittedly, the traffic they drive can get approval from tech sites, it’s just a mark on the average person’s radar.

But people who care really care. If the idea of ​​watching an Apple event in a social setting is more tempting for you than heading to a bar to get on the World Series, there is good news. Apple is throwing viewing parties for its next “event” on October 30th at many of its retail stores in the US and UK. According to 9to5Mac , individual stores have held viewing events in the past, but this is the first time. so on such a wide scale.

We have no idea how watching an Apple presentation in the Apple Store is going to be any different from watching it at home, but I personally think there might be applause and high-fives there. At press time, there is no information on potential snacks on the event detail pages.

Next week’s “Under Construction” event will take place at the Gilman Howard Opera House in Brooklyn, New York. Our colleagues at Gizmodo believe that Apple is announcing, among other things, new iPad Pros, new iMacs and a new Macbook Air.

Viewing Parties are free and open to everyone, but you need to register and receive a ticket to attend just like any other Apple Store event (you can register using the individual store links below). Only shops that have video walls and which will be open during the event will participate. Luckily, we have a list of participating stores and links to their registration pages.



United Kingdom

United Arab Emirates

Updated October 25 at 2:11 pm: Reorganized list to reflect the fact that Toronto and Dubai are not part of the United Kingdom.


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