Give Flowers for a Big Event to a Nursing Home

The party may be over, but the flowers on every table still look fresh. Instead of throwing them in the trash can or sending them home with tipsy family members, donate the whole bunch to a group of people who need a little encouragement.

Hosting a large event like a wedding can be very costly. Some of these decorations may find a second life in a nursing home, according to the experience of Reddit user u / Bebop0420 , who wrote on r / LifeProTips, that their flower arrangements have been put to good use:

Just got married on Saturday, and on Monday they delivered our flowers to the local nursing home. They were in seventh heaven and told us that they always try to put flowers, but they have never eaten so well before. This made both us and them truly happy.

Other commenters have shared their stories of successful donations, such as u / ec20, who said they donated huge amounts of cake leftovers to a nearby monastery. The nuns loved it. Then u / bobbysr mentioned that the flowers at their mother’s funeral ended up in her former retirement home, and the funeral director was ready to deliver them. A piercing, beautiful gesture.

It is worth seeing in which nearby establishments you can enjoy the remnants of your event; make sure to contact them prior to disembarkation so they are ready (or even willing) to receive it. If for some reason they are unable to take a bouquet of roses, they can tell who needs the bouquets and cake. Let your flowers bring joy to the second round!


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