How to Create Daily to-Do Lists in Slack

I’m a big fan of listing. I have a to-do list that I need to do this month, another list is broken down into what I need to do this week, and another list of things to do in a day. For me and the way I work, they are great for being organized, and I get a lot of satisfaction crossing another item off my list.

Today List is a Slack app that brings this daily list component to Slack, where presumably you already spend a lot of time during the day. (If you don’t use Slack, this one isn’t for you.)

Once installed (you need to be an administrator for your Slack), you can use the app to create a daily list, which is really a daily list . Everything on it expires in 24 hours, which in itself is a motivation to get the job done.

You can add something to your list by typing / today-add followed by a task, or you can mark it as complete by typing / today-complete and then the presentation you want to mark done.

You can also enter / today-list in any channel during the day to list all the tasks you have on the list to complete.

The idea is to collect tasks that someone mentions in Slack in real time so you don’t forget.

If you find yourself losing tasks throughout the day, this can be a quick and easy way to keep track of them.


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