How to Know If You Need to Call Poison Control

The Poison Control Center is always at your service if you have swallowed, inhaled or been exposed to anything inappropriate. If you have severe symptoms, you should skip right to 911. But what if you are not sure if you (or your child) have been exposed to significant amounts of poison? The center has a web-based tool to help you decide if you need to call.

(By the way, you can always call the US at 1-800-222-1222. Unlike the Pet Poisoning Hotlines, the Poison Control Center is always free to call. But read on if you hate the phone or are afraid to bother operators with something unimportant.)

The webPOISONCONTROL tool guides you through a baseline assessment. How old are you? You are pregnant? What substance have you taken or been exposed to? Along the way, you will receive alerts if you activate any of their red flags. For example, if you are pregnant or have been exposed to multiple chemicals, your case is too complex for a web tool.

At the end, the tool will recommend whether you should go to the emergency room. He will also give a summary of when you should seek additional help, including symptoms, which should be addressed.

The tool is also available as a freeiOS or Android app , or you can text 484848 now to get a business card to add to your contacts. The contact will include the phone number of the poison control center, as well as a link to the web tool.


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