Why Even Optimists Should Stick to Their Pessimistic Side

Setting goals and working to achieve them is inherently an optimistic exercise: you want more and better, and you believe that you have what it takes to get the job done and be rewarded. But sometimes, being pessimistic can help you reach your goals faster.

As Art Markman writes for Fast Company , planning is an essential component of achieving any goal. You must keep in mind the specific steps and tasks that you need to complete towards your goal. And your pessimism can help you with this.

How so? Well, Markman writes,

The next time you think about an important goal (yours or someone else’s), let go of that pessimist and let him play out. Find whatever goes wrong. After all, if you are really trying to achieve this goal, obstacles may indeed be around you.

After thinking about all the potential obstacles that you will encounter, you can plan to work around them.

But don’t start planning for every possible obstacle. Yes, you have to accept your pessimism, but still be realistic. Markman writes that the first step is to overcome your obstacles and cross out those that are unlikely so that they don’t waste your time and mental energy.

Then “think about those that can have the most negative impact on your goals, especially if there is a significant chance that they will be near.” These are the ones who need to be contacted first. ” What can you do to overcome these obstacles?

Nobody likes pessimists, but sometimes they are best suited for the job. So embrace it and use it to your advantage.


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