How to Get the Coolest Pixel 3 Features on Older Pixel Models

Google has officially unveiled the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL after weeks of rumors, and unsurprisingly, they are packed with new features and hardware that make them a noticeable upgrade over not only past Google Pixel smartphones, but many of their competitors.

Whatever the problems with the new Google phones, don’t let the hype around these newcomers convince you that the Pixel 2 and 2 XL – or even the original Pixel and Pixel XL – are about to be obsolete. In fact, the arrival of the Pixel 3 will be a boon for all Pixel users, regardless of whether you upgrade, as some of the most exciting new features in the Pixel 3 and 3 XL will be available on all Pixel smartphones in the coming weeks.

So don’t trade your current phone just yet, it will get some cool updates soon. Here are all the new features that older Pixel phones will be enjoying in the coming weeks. All of them will be available through system updates in the future.

Night view

Night Sight is probably the most exciting of the new features that older Pixel phones will share with their newest sibling.

In simple terms, Night Sight uses machine learning to enhance low-light photos, making them brighter and clearer, which means you get more beautiful photos without relying on the camera flash to illuminate the scene. During a press conference, a demo of the feature was shown comparing a low-light photo taken on the Pixel 3 with Night Sight to the same scene captured on an iPhone XS. The difference was striking. Of course, there are probably a few pinches of salt here that we need to swallow, but we really want to see in person how Night Sight works.

According to Google, Night Sight will be rolling out to previously released Pixel smartphones “in the coming weeks,” starting with the Pixel 3 and 3 XL launch date on October 18th.


Duplex can either be a very useful Google Assistant feature or a really good example of how creepy AI gets.

With Duplex, Google Assistant will call to take care of tasks such as restaurant reservations, takeout orders, or scheduling appointments. The AI ​​voice appears to sound and respond believably enough, so Google was forced to include a disclaimer to let people know they are talking to Google Assistant, not a human.

Duplex is actually in beta testing with a limited release since June, but it will receive a full release with two Pixel 3 devices and will hit other Pixel phones in November, although the exact time will depend on where you live as this feature rolls out. in every city during November.

Call screen

Do you know those annoying autodialing phone calls you get from time to time? Well, your Pixel phone will soon be able to take those calls for you and tell you if this random number is coming from someone important or just another spam call.

Like Duplex, Call Screen is operated by Google Assistant, which will be able to answer an incoming call, check if it’s worth your time, and then tell you if you should answer or even hang up if it recognizes telemarketing or similar time wasters.

You can expect the call screen to appear on your Pixel phone alongside Duplex within a few weeks.

Playground and enhanced augmented reality

Playground is another new camera feature coming to Pixel phones that uses augmented reality (AR) to insert 3D characters (like AR stickers) into your photos and videos. While Playground is not a quality feature or major improvement, it looks like a nifty, new feature to play with and is part of an overall update to AR functionality on Pixel phones in general. The feature will launch with select Marvel characters, and the Childish Gambino character, being developed with Donald Glover, will be released sometime in the future. Like other features, it will launch first on the Pixel 3, but will soon be rolling out to other Pixel phones as well.


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