How to Know If Publix Chicken Tender Subtitles Are on Sale

When you live in New York, you start to appreciate some things that you would never notice in a normal, functioning city. For example, clean air or the ability to travel three miles in less than half an hour.

Another of these things for me is grocery shopping. New York City grocery stores are roughly 250 feet of shelves stacked on top of each other, 10 feet high, spaced four inches apart, overflowing with overpriced pasta sauces and moldy foods. You really can’t move without bumping into someone, you have to go to four different stores to get everything on your list, and nothing is ever sold (in the Midwest sense). I look back longingly at the spacious grocery stores of my youth, the ones I’ve taken for granted for years: Kroger, VG’s, Farmer Jack (RIP). And of course Publix.

No disrespect for the Krogers and VGs that I often visit at home in Michigan, Publix is ​​by far the best grocery store. VG is always overpriced and the food made by Kroger leaves a lot to be desired. Publix is ​​the perfect combination of space, price and taste.

It looks like this Reddit thread agrees with me. When asked “What is a website that everyone should know about, but which really few people know about,” snarkyemail replied: “. A site that just tells you if there are chicken submarines for sale (which I admit I’ve never tried, but will show up next time I’m around Publix). Great hack. There is also an active Twitter feed :

And guess what? Apparently, they are on sale until tomorrow. If you are lucky enough to live near Publix, bookmark the site and buy yourself a chicken at a reasonable price.


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