How to Make Your Homemade Boxed Brownie Mix

If there’s one hill I’m going to die on, it’s that chocolate brownies are usually the only brownies worth my time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to fantasize with them. If you want to pass yourself off as a foodie, just change the oil .

This advice came from a reader who suggested it to our Managing Editor after reading this article . The smart woman replaces standard vegetables with olive oil, giving the chocolate squares a more sophisticated flavor. That, combined with a sprinkle of really fancy, really layered salt, and you’ve got a bake-worthy product.

There is no fuzzing here either – use the amount of butter indicated on the package (just, you know, a different butter), stir as usual and pour the dough into the pan. Sprinkle with a little Maldon (or maybe even a little satin ) and bake according to package directions. Once you’ve tasted olive oil, you can expand your lazy but trendy brownie repertoire even further by sampling even more fancy oils. My current obsession is pistachio butter cakes, as the cooking oil imparts a slightly nutty, slightly pungent flavor. Not only is it tasty, but it tames any salty harshness commonly associated with packaged concoctions. I haven’t tried it yet, but pumpkin seed oil probably warrants investigation. The time of year has come, and that’s it.


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