What to Bring to College to Be the Cool Kid in the Dorm

The first time I went to the dorm – it was summer camp, not college, but close enough – my parents gave me a giant can of caramel popcorn to share and help me find friends. Unfortunately, I didn’t have many chances to open it: my roommate was allergic to corn.

But the idea is solid: to facilitate social transition by bringing things to school that will help bring people together. A few suggestions:

  • Food . Try something that does not contain common allergens so as not to repeat my sad story. The more people can eat it, the more they will share it. You don’t need a semester stash, but a stocking day of treats can help you make your room the coolest for people.
  • Entertainment . Our video producer Adam Powers notes: “There is always one person who sets up [the TV with the projector] and everyone flocks to him. It doesn’t matter that it never works. ” (Some of us remember the days when the DVD player or Xbox was the hot ticket.)
  • Cooking accessories . Kettles are cheap and useful, but few consider bringing them to school. (And not just for tea – their best use in the dorm is to warm up ramen). A microwave oven or instant pot can also be helpful. But don’t lend these things. You need a reason for people to stop, not a headache when you are always trying to keep track of your things.
  • Tools and equipment . Do you have a toolbox with hammer and nails? Sewing machine? A special skill, like repairing bicycles? Being able to help people with their problems is enjoyable and can even be profitable if you can charge for your services or exchange services.

So tell us: what was the coolest thing about your dorm? In whose room has everyone always wanted to sit and why? And what should not be taken with you, so that it does not get stolen, borrowed or forced drunk people to knock your door down in the middle of the night?


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