How to Win Pinball

Pinball was once outlawed as a game of chance. The New York City Police Commissioner walked around the pinball machines for the photo shoots . And if you play it in an amateur way, just trying to keep the ball from falling off the board, then you might also think that pinball is a casual game that will get boring after a few rallies. But if you play like the pros do, even if you’re really bad at it, you’ll have a lot more fun.

In the video above, Vox explains the parts of the pinball game and explains how to spot the targets hidden in all the bells and whistles. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Examine the board before playing.
  2. Catch and aim the ball.
  3. Aim the ball at the flashing lights.
  4. Look at the digital display to see targets.
  5. Read the rules card.
  6. Try multiball.

Once you pay attention, you will see that the pinball game is a collection of mini-games that form an arc, almost a plot. Following this arc is much more fun than just keeping the ball in play.

If you are not very good at the game, avoid the slot machines and find a pinball museum or other arcade game to play. Pinball is a lot more fun when you don’t have to constantly pump money into the machine. Alternatively, you can hunt for a game that clicks with you. Pinball has changed a lot over the decades; you may prefer older mechanical machines or newer ones with built-in high definition computer screens, such as the Hobbit . Pinball: It’s not all the same!


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