Where to Find the Best Reddit Chats

Reddit chats are here . Now you can share your thoughts on publishing ( and living ) as if you hadn’t spent enough 9 to 5 working days watching / r / aww , / r / explain which one , / r / bestof or / r / SubredditDrama with real Redditors in real time! Using the F5 key to refresh a static comment page was like this last year.

However, it is possible that your favorite subreddit does not have a chat. While this feature is currently active for the entire site, the moderators must agree by listing the name of their subreddit in this giant comment thread . Even then, it seems like the chats are still open to everyone, as there are definitely some subreddits that I frequently visit on this “chat request thread” that don’t have chats yet.

Do not worry; If you are anxious to chat with strangers online, there are many ways to find interesting chats right now.

Just pull up the chat

When you download Reddit – assuming you haven’t given up on the latest site design – you should see a group of icons in the upper right corner of your screen, right next to your Reddit username. Click on the one that looks like a chat bubble with three dots inside, which should trigger the new Reddit chat feature in the bottom right corner of your browser.

Subreddits that have chats (and, yes, a subreddit can have more than one chat room) should appear in the Recommended Rooms list to the left of the window. Click any chat room to view its full name (if abbreviated in the sidebar) and description. Click join a room to start a chat.

Visit your favorite subreddits to see if chat is enabled

If you browse one of the subreddits that you check on a daily (or almost daily) basis, you will probably notice if the moderators stick a big “we have a chat” post at the top of the page. Otherwise, you can check if the subreddit has an active chat room by scrolling down a bit and looking at its right sidebar. Any chats, if any, should appear there.

Use the Reddit chat to find new chats

Open the Reddit chat interface from this handy link and scroll to the bottom of the left sidebar. You should have some default rooms from “/ r / community_chat”. Look for the “Recommend me a room” room. Join him if you want to see chat suggestions from the Reddit community. And you can of course ask if anyone knows if a chat exists for this obscure topic that you can’t get enough of.

There is a subreddit for everything

Naturally, someone has already created a subreddit that people can use to find other subreddits with active chats. Just visit / r / SubChats to find new places to connect with people with a common interest. While I recommend just sorting them “top” to get an idea of ​​the real gems, there are many other interesting rooms that you might want to dive into right away.

  • Comcast_Xfinity : If you’re having trouble with Comcast – no doubt the path we’ve all taken at some point in our lives – feel free to sympathize with other Comcast users.
  • 316Cats : I don’t quite understand what it is called, but this chat room is for people who want to “share gifs and images of cats.” What else is needed?
  • BuildaPCSales : Whether you’re looking to upgrade your desktop or build a new one, this subreddit and chat room can help you get the most out of your budget.
  • GameofThrones : This chat room won’t matter much right now , but I bet it will escalate into insanity as we get closer to the final season of the series. (Come chat with your Varys teammates.)
  • MovieDetails : If you’re the kind of person who noticed when the stormtrooper hit his head on the Death Star’s door, this chat room is for you.
  • Weed : It’s just your opinion, dude.
  • CasualConversation : Keep calm and regularly discuss interesting conversations with adults that aren’t crazy – hopefully.
  • PlayStation , Gamecube , NES , N64 : we are waiting for you, fans of Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PC games. It’s time to talk already.


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