Create and Maintain Healthy Habits With the Aloe Bud IOS App

iOS: During the day, I always know that I need to do something to improve my health and overall mood: get up regularly, drink plenty of water, tell friends that they are great and we need to spend time, etc. And although these thoughts sometimes cross my mind, they are never enough to create a regular lifestyle. Luckily, the free Aloe Bud iOS app is happy to help you.

The idea behind the app is simple: you select actions from a list organized by category, resulting in colorful action icons displayed in a large grid in the app’s gorgeous user interface. Every time you do something – for example, drink water – you just need to click on the icon and “mark” this action. Repeat as needed and you will see how often you do each activity to see how well you are at forming lifestyle habits.

I love that the app also allows you to write extended responses to queries as part of this “validation” process. So, if your daily goal is to come up with one happy thought about someone or something that you care about, you can enter it while you “register” like a miniature daily diary of sorts. And, just like before, you can go back and review your earlier recordings to keep yourself in a good mood (or to reflect on a particularly great moment you had).

Aloe Bud is useless if you forget about it or don’t use it quite often. And luckily, the app has a pretty extensive reminder system. You can customize notifications for every activity you track and pay $ 5 for an updated version of the app if you want to customize the notifications you receive. I am satisfied with the original sentences of the application, no matter how verbose they may be, because it is more important that you can remind yourself of something, and not write some witty message that will only concern you.

While I can’t guarantee that an aloe bud will suddenly make you start drinking gallons of water a day, for example, setting a small reminder is a great first step towards healthier habits. And the app’s beautiful user interface is as enjoyable as it is a useful app – all the great attributes that come with a well-designed and thoughtful free app.

Do you have an iOS or Android app that you really like? Tell me about it: [email protected] .


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