Keep a Few Coins in Your Wallet When You Go for a Walk

Losing your wallet is like losing a piece of yourself. It’s all there: your driver’s license, credit cards, membership cards, and photos of loved ones. This clever trick will help you not to lose your wallet forever the next time you go out.

Did you know that metal detector clubs are a thing? Of course have! And according to Reddit user Newtinator, many of them look for new search projects from time to time, including helping those who may have lost jewelry or other metal items :

“… I saw someone write on the page that they lost their ‘Filled with Coins’ wallet in a remote area while working as a beekeeper. It took this guy with the detector 30 minutes to find the wallet in the search area about 100 meters away. These specialized detectors are designed to find gold nuggets deep underground, and finding a wallet on the surface or just below the surface of tall grass is incredibly easy. ”

So, put three to five coins in your wallet before heading out into the wilderness, going to the beach, or heading out on this epic hike. If you lose your wallet, it will be much easier to find it if it contains metal. Even if a group of metal detectors cannot help, you can rent one and go looking for yourself. It only takes you a couple of seconds to put a few coins in your wallet, but that could save you a lot of trouble in the future.


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