Add the Dark Mode at Any With This Chrome Extension Website

I’m a big fan of dark regimes. They are less harmful to your eyes and your computer’s battery, and I think they make the use of sites and applications much more enjoyable. Unfortunately, not every site offers a dark mode (including this one). However, this week I came across a web extension that can work wonders anywhere.

An extension called Dark Reader for Chrome and Firefox creates dark mode for websites on the fly, so no matter which site you’re on, you can browse without getting hit in the face with white light.

The app essentially inverts the colors of the sites while browsing, which may or may not be good, depending on what you are doing. You can create your own list of sites that are not affected by the extension if you want, and also customize things at the level of each site.

Admittedly, out of the box it’s not perfect (it does some crazy stuff with our carousel of highlighted stories at the top of the homepage), you’re better off using your own dark mode anyway. But if you’re surfing the web in bed and need to keep things a little quieter, or want to conserve battery on this long haul flight, this might be exactly what your doctor ordered.


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