Tell Us About Your Travel Tips for Reykjavik

Do we all have that friend who never stops talking about Reykjavik? “Oh, I miss Reykjavik. Reykjavik has changed my life. Maybe I’ll move to Reykjavik. Did you know that I was stuck in Reykjavik for two months due to volcanic activity? “We understand, friend, you are very sophisticated, Icelandic, wrapped in furs. Now, give us some travel tips while you find another century-old European capital to “discover”.

Every Monday onHack Your City, we ask readers for the best tips about the city: driving tips, restaurant tips, entertainment, and any other tips for visitors and locals alike. Then, on Thursday, we present the best comments. We work in the USA and around the world.

No hatred for Reykjavik; it sounds absolutely perfect! In every photo it looks like the least pretentious city in Europe. Iceland actually seems to be worth all the hype. And we like to tell our friends that we are visiting an “island nation”. So, very nice people who have fallen in love with this place, please tell us how we can make the most of it?

What is underestimated? Which places deserve a few more discerning visitors? And what tricks can turn a normal ride into a great one?

How should a visitor approach the city? What position should they take? What local traditions, behavior, and laws should they be aware of? What should they know about the city’s past and present? How can they play well with the locals?

Locals, how does it feel in the long run? What advice can you give to other residents? How do you get to work, what is the place for lunch every day? Where will you go if you want to get out of town for a day or a weekend?

Finally, how would you explain this city if you couldn’t rely on any place names? How would you describe the “atmosphere” of the city in words?

While we’re mainly focusing on the capital, advice on any part of Iceland is welcome here. Note if something can be done as a day trip or just for a longer visit, and if additional preparation is required.

We don’t say this often enough: readers, thank you very much for all the advice you give for this weekly column. I wish we could take the fan letters and thanks we receive and pass them on to you. Just know that you yourself are making other people’s lives a little better.

Leave your Reykjavik tips below and we’ll highlight the best ones in the Staff tab below. (As always, feel free to add or comment on tips from others). Then come back Thursday to post a new post with highlights.


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