Celebrate Negroni Week With This Amaro-Heavy Tribute

Happy weekend and welcome back to Happy 3 Ingredient Hour , a weekly drinks column featuring very simple yet delicious libations. This is Negroni Week, which means every cocktail bar and blogger (myself included) is putting their energies into the classic bitter drink.

While an elegantly simple cocktail of equal parts gin, sweet vermouth, and campari is pretty much flawless in itself, variety is the spice of life and my favorite spice is bitter . Rather than swapping out Campari for another amaro, I would prefer twice as much herbal liqueur and skip fortified wine altogether. The combination of woody Cynar with slightly burnt citrus Campari gives a deliciously aggressive flavor profile, and I love it . To make it enjoyable, I reduce the amount of amaro from one ounce to 3/4 and be sure to serve it on a large stone. To make it you will need:

  • 30 g dry gin
  • 3/4 oz Campari
  • 3/4 ounce cinar

Pour everything into a mixing glass or half a liter filled with ice and stir until well chilled and diluted. Strain into lowball with a large cube of frozen water and prepare for a burst of bitterness.


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