How to Make the Perfect Burpee

I have done at least 10 burpees every morning since we started the burpee exercise . (Actually, one day out of 10, and the rest at least 30). I also spent a lot of time thinking, “Is this the right way to do burpees?” and “Is this the best way to do burpees?”

In truth, there are several better ways. I love this video (above) from 12 Minute Athlete, which shows three of the most popular choices without judgment. And if you want to break each one, then here is:

How to do burpee push-ups

1. Place your hands on the ground.

2. Return your legs to a push-up position. (Lower your knees if necessary.)

3. Do push-ups.

4. Return with your feet to the starting position, and then jump, raising your arms up.

This is how I made my first set of burpees earlier this month. This push-up can be difficult, so it’s a good option if you already know how to do push-ups and want to use this exercise to get some extra work for your arms / shoulders / chest.

How to make a crossfit burpee

1. At the same time, place your hands on the ground while jumping backwards with your feet. Land (softly!) On your torso.

2. Return your legs to the starting position, and then jump, raising your arms up.

This is the same basic movement as burpee push-ups, but you link several separate movements together. It’s faster and smoother, and takes some of the weight off your easily fatigued hands. I decided to do this for my morning burpees.

However, you need to be careful with your back. If you allow your lower back to sag – this is easy when you are tired – you could get hurt. The correct position is to keep the lower back strong and the pelvis tilted back. This video explains how to do this .

How to make an original burpee

1. Place your hands on the ground at your feet.

2. Return your legs to plank position.

3. Return your legs to the starting position.

4. Stand up.

This is the original movement used in the Royal Hiddleston Burpee Fitness Test . It is also called a four-count burpee or squat deadlift.

If one of these burpees doesn’t work for you, there are other options. For example, a friend of mine with back problems prefers to step back rather than jump back into plank position. Which burpee do you prefer?


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