Glue the Finish Line to the Doorway on Your Child’s Last Day of School

Well, parents, another school year is over. A fun thing to do before your kids return home on their last day is to arrange a “finish line” at your doorstep for them to run across. It could be ribbon and balloons, a “Welcome to Summer” banner, or an army of family members with spray guns.

Why would you do that? 1) Doesn’t require much effort. 2) Your kids deserve to throw their hands up like Rocky after months of writing, history quizzes, and 6am alarm clocks. And 3) These are moments, people. Your lovely babies are growing. To sniff.

Pinterest, of course, has an abundance of ideas for the “finish lines” of the last day of school. (I also noticed the ritual in Dinner: A Love Story that we featured last week in Offspring .) Pick what is doable. My daughter goes to school all year round (#blessed), but I still wanted to do it on the day of her preschool graduation (yes, that is the thing).

Here are some more easy ways to celebrate your child’s last call of the year:

  • Get together at the bus stop with a group of parents and spray Silly String on the kids as they get off the bus.
  • Dinner this evening in a special way – maybe have a picnic in the backyard?
  • Give your child a bucket of summer attributes: sand toys, bubbles, otters.
  • Make yourself a cocktail at the end of the school year. Because you know that there are several long months ahead of you. Welcome to summer!


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