Check Out Audible Lecture Courses If You’re Tired of Audiobooks

Have an Audible subscription but don’t know what to listen to next? I know this feeling well. My credits started piling up to the point where I thought about canceling my subscription – until recently. Have you thought of anything educational?

Audiobooks are what I like. I’ve never been a huge fan of them, but I drive a lot, so signing up for Audible seemed like a good idea to me. It gives me the opportunity to pass the time other than music or one of my podcasts. But I quickly get bored with the drama in fiction read by people with silly voices, and while nonfiction items always grab my attention, the tone can sometimes seem a little pompous. What should I do with all these sound credits then?

A couple of weeks ago I found my answer: lectures. While looking for a good audiobook on the ancient Celts, I stumbled upon the Great Courses lecture series entitled The Celtic World, taught by Professor Jennifer Paxton, Ph.D. I like it! With just one Audible credit, I was able to listen to all 24 lectures (a whopping 13 hours of content) and access a huge 265-page PDF book that includes everything the lecturer has to say. This is serious luck for your money!

There are many other non-history and Great Courses lectures available as well, so you’re sure to find what you want to know if you search. Interested in astrophysics and space? Check. What about language and linguistics? Yeah. Addiction, memory and brain, oceans, animals, mythology, supernatural phenomena? Yes Yes Yes. And some of the shorter lectures are even free for Audible members and require no credits.

I’m one of those idiots who miss school because I love to study, so these lectures are like a gift from the Universe for me. I study the Celts, the history of Western philosophy (38 hours) and the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt (24 hours). I listen when I drive, listen when I run, and even listen when I play some video games. Learning about Ancient Egypt while exploring Ancient Egypt in Assassin’s Creed: Origins is amazing. I am both entertained and intellectually stimulated – my favorite state.


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