How to Deal With the Sturdy Woody Stems of Broccoli

Broccoli’s hard end isn’t particularly fond of. I am not talking about a small “stem” attached to each flower; I’m talking about an old woody honker that is usually composted. These guys are actually very easy to include in lunch; you just need to handle them properly.

This is part of the Lifehacker Eating Trash With Claire series in which Claire Lower convinces you to turn your kitchen waste into something edible and tasty.

They’re obviously not as delicate as the tufts of flower buds that sit on them, but a little peeling and slicing will take care of that. Known for his searing techniques, our very own Joel Kahn loves to “strip the woody outside of the stem, chop it up and cook it right with the rest of the broccoli,” noting that “they get tender quickly, and if you don’t tell anyone, they’ll just take it for root vegetable with all the vegetables. “

If you need a more recent approach, can I suggest some slack? The shredded broccoli stalk provides a good crunch and is strong enough to withstand a good dressing. You can cut them into strips, or simply grate them, or use the wire rack on your food processor. Then just dress him up like any other slave. If you’re not sure how to dress salmon, start with this perfectly aged sage dressing by AA Newton, which is way better than the nasty, sugary mess you find on most picnics.


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