Bring Your Child’s Withered Markers Back to Life in Liquid Watercolors

We know we must followMonica Geller’s pen and marker careinstructions : “You must press down on the caps until you hear a click.” But children forget, and when they come back to use them, they feel sad. There there. Dried markers don’t need to be sent to the art dump yet. You can bring them to life with vibrant liquid watercolors.

How to make this miracle happen? Just dampen the tips of the markers with water. This is what school art teachers do to extend the life of their limited supplies.

Small masonry jugs are great for this project because you can close them when you’re done. The markers in each jar don’t have to be the same color – you can group similar shades together. Use a small amount of water and let them sit for a few days or up to a week if you want more intensity. To extract every last bit of color from them, you can even use pliers to remove the ends from the markers and pull out the entire ink sponge.

Liquid watercolors will last for a while. It will be easier for everyone, especially you, the parents who paid for them.


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