How to Snooze Emails in Gmail for IOS and Android

iOS / Android: Google is releasing a huge new update for its Gmail web app, and one of the most exciting features is the ability to snooze important emails. If you, like me, are a procrastinator but prefer to check email on your smartphone, you’re out of luck. Gmail apps for iOS and Android have recently added snooze functionality.

Snoozing emails is a great tool if there is something you want to deal with later, but don’t want to waste it in a crowded inbox. The message will simply disappear from your inbox until a certain time. It could be later in the afternoon when you’re not so busy, or Sunday night when you’re getting ready for the week ahead .

To snooze any email from your smartphone, launch the Gmail app and open the message you want to process later. Click on the menu icon (a row of three dots) and you should see a list of options with a Snooze option at the top or next to it. Click on this.

From here, you can choose exactly when you want the email to appear again. Google offers several presets (tomorrow at 6:00 pm, this weekend at 8:00 am or “Someday”), but you can also schedule the message to appear at a specific date and time. Once you click on the option, the email will disappear, but if you feel uneasy, you can always find the pending email early by searching your inbox.

Google Brings Snooze Email Messages to the Gmail App | Police Android


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