Free up Hard Drive Space Automatically With Storage Sense in Windows 10

Windows: Sometimes finding the right Windows settings to automate some of your digital life feels like digging in the back of your couch looking for little things. In this case, Windows “Storage Sense”, a convenient way to automate hard drive wiping, has probably stared you in the eye for a long time, you just never thought of activating it. And you should.

Windows has many built-in tools that you can use to free up space on your shrinking hard drive. I love Storage Sense because it is an easy way to automate a few simple tasks to save space.

Finding and activating Memory Sense is easy

Click the start menu icon and start typing “Storage”. The first pop-up result – Windows System Storage Settings is exactly what you need.

On the screen that pops up, you should see the “Storage sense” heading staring right in your face, along with a big “Off” button, since for some reason Windows doesn’t enable this option by default. However, before you enable it, please click on the “Change how space is automatically reclaimed” link.

Not only can you enable Storage Sense from this window, but you can also decide how often Windows will launch it automatically. You should be fine, letting Windows decide when it’s time to do a quick hard drive cleanup, but you can also move on to day-to-day work entirely if you’re feeling ambitious.

Why Storage Sense is a Great Automated Cleaner

When Storage Sense starts, it cleans up the Windows temp folder of all the junk you don’t need. It also deletes old files in your recycle bin – by default these are files older than 30 days, but you can also reduce this number to one day if you are adventurous. Storage Sense can also delete old files in your Downloads folder, but if you’re like us, you use this as a dump for everything, so you might not want to enable this option.

The storage control feature can also remove any previous versions of the Windows operating system left on your computer after upgrading to Windows 10. Typically, this is that giant “windows.old” directory on your main hard drive. You only need to do this once, but it’s a great way to free up extra space.

Once you’ve finished setting up your vacuum cleaner, quickly start it up by pressing the large “Clean Now” button. This is the first and last time you’ll have to do this, now that Storage Sense will be running on your behalf.

Automatically Free Up Disk Space in Windows 10 with Storage Sense | Gaki


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