Apply Tape to Your Apple TV Remote

Apple, a well-designed company, equips its Apple TV with a completely black and horizontally symmetrical remote control. This means that if you find the remote in the dark, you will most likely grab the wrong end, grab the touchpad, and press the wrong button. Luckily, you can fix this by attaching an ugly colored spot to your remote.

Wrap a piece of tape or sticker over the bottom half of the remote – a part you can safely touch without driving your Apple TV crazy. I use a bright green masking tape (I had it close at hand), which is barely visible in the dark, but unobtrusive. Glow-in-the-dark material ( $ 6 a roll of tape , $ 9 for stickers ) is more visible, which is good when you’re looking for a remote and bad when you’re actually watching TV.

Spending money on making your remote visible seems odd and silly, so you can simply glue on a piece of duct tape or any regular sticker. Or, you can carefully place the remote every time you put it down.

It’s just another fun project for Apple users, like buying a $ 45 case for your glass iPhone or installing touchpad repair apps on your Macbook Pro . Or double check if a new update will break your Mac . Or double-check if a new update will break your iPhone .

But what are you going to do, buy Android? Buy a surface ? Get out of here.


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