We Need Questions About Your Student Loan

We have just completed our first thematic week of 2018 , but we are already moving on to the next one, and this time we are talking about student loans.

With the college decision-making deadlines approaching, it is time to figure out how to read financial aid letters and what you should look for in the small print on your loan application.

So if you’re curious about repayment options to know while in college, or just want to brag about paying off your loans (hey that’s a big deal!) Or looking for alternative ways to pay for college, send me an email at alicia.adamczyk@lifehacker.com or leave a comment below. (And if you’ve sent me student loan questions in the last few weeks, I’ve got them, so you don’t have to email me again.) And general questions about college fees or the “value” of an undergraduate / graduate program are also fair game.

I look forward to diving into the finer details of student loans and college tuition with you next week. Let’s delve into this.


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