Finding Reliable Drug Information With New FDA App

When it comes to finding medical information on the Internet, the Internet can be … controversial. This week, the FDA released an app that will make it easier to find information about this new drug your doctor has signed (or whatever drug you’ve seen on TV) and made it more reliable.

The app called Drugs @ FDA Express is essentially a mobile version of the FDA’s Drugs @ FED website. With it, you can search for information on FDA-approved brands and generic prescription and over-the-counter human medicines and biological therapeutic products. The app contains information on all types of drugs approved by the agency, as well as patient information, drug labeling, approval letters, reviews and other information.

With the app, you can also search for drug information by product name, active ingredient or claim number and check the latest approved drugs.

In truth, it will be far more beneficial for the prescribing physicians than for the people taking them, but if you are someone on a lot of daily medications, this can be a great resource that you always have at your fingertips.


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