March for Our Lives Browser Game Helps Raise Awareness About Saturday March

On Saturday, March 24th, people across the country will gather for the March in Defense of Our Lives . This browser game, Game for Our Lives, was created to help spread the word about the protest and distract you on Friday afternoon.

Created by Martins Zelks and Brian Stokely, the platformer depicts Parkland massacre survivors Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg and Delaney Tarr, who have been at the forefront of the current gun-law movement. You start by choosing who you want to play as Emma, ​​David, or Delaney, then you head to the governor’s office, jumping over people to get there in time (you can jump twice). After that, you fight the first boss, dodging their attacks and literally shouting “BASS!” (press “P” to shout). Soon, you move to the lobbyist’s office and then to the congressman’s office, where you have to actually dodge their “thoughts and prayers” in order to win. When it’s over, it links to the March for Our Lives homepage.

It’s a fast paced game but a fun little time killer. More importantly, it is designed to convey a message. Before each boss fight, you get a short cutscene that uses facts to disprove typical weapons arguments. Overall, he underlines what changes the March for Our Lives movement wants to see.

I’ll be honest – if you’re passionate about guns, you probably won’t like this game. And that’s okay! Not everything is for everyone. However, I am not really a weapon opponent and enjoyed it. I think it’s good to support peaceful protests and encourage youth to participate. Little things like this game can help. You can check it from the link below (warning: there is sound).

A game for our lives


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