How to Send Money to Friends Using Google Assistant

When it comes to sending money between friends, Venmo is king (the app is so popular it has even turned into a verb). However, if you prefer to use your phone with a voice command, Google ‘s rival service has gotten a lot more attractive. On Thursday, the company updated its AI-powered Assistant app to add the ability to send or request money using just your voice.

To repay a friend for a drink last night, all you have to do is fire up the Assistant and say, “Send Jacob [or whatever your friend’s name is] five dollars for a beer.” To ask for money, just start the command with “Request”. Google Assistant will analyze what you said and show you the transaction. If that’s correct, you say “send” and confirm it with your password or fingerprint.

The only catch is that you need Google Pay – Venmo’s answer – to actually transfer any money. Setting up the service is easy, however, and Google Assistant will walk you through the process if you haven’t already. If your friend doesn’t have payment set up, they’ll still receive a text message or notification to tell them they’ve got money (they’ll have to set up Google Pay to actually receive their money).

The new feature is now available via the Assistant app on iOS or Android in the US, and will roll out to smart speakers like Google Home in the next few months.


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