Breathe With This Site to Calm Down

Take a deep breath … hold your breath … exhale … now wait a second before inhaling again. Make a bookmark ” Breathing boxes» QuietKit, to get more animations to help you do so at any time when you need it.

The technique, with a four-second pause at each stage of the process, is the backbone of the combat tactical breathing that seals use to calm their nerves, but it is also a convenient way to relax in daily life .

Mindfulness breathing is a type of meditation that is often recommended because it is so simple, but it contains the basics: it gives you something to focus on and takes up just enough space in your brain that you don’t focus on your other concerns. or problems. Slow breathing also helps lower your heart rate , which can counteract the hyperventilation and palpitations that often occur during anxiety attacks or just ordinary nervousness.


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