Activate Netflix’s New Parental Controls

Parents, worried that their kids would consume inappropriate content on Netflix, were able to block all content that fell under a certain rating. Now, Netflix’s latest update gives you a little more control, allowing you to prevent young viewers from watching certain programs that you deem inappropriate for them, even if they fall within your chosen rating range. Not everyone wants their child to watch Stranger Things , no matter how many D&D games they play. To keep them safe from questionable content, all you need is a PIN and a list of movies that you don’t want your child to watch.

Add PIN, Add Banned Movies

Go to Netflix to go to your account page and select the Parental Controls link. Enter your password and select the PIN you will need to remove restrictions if you want to view a previously restricted header. From there, you can drag the rating slider from Young Children to Adults and limit it to maturity. If you just want to restrict a few specific movies and don’t want to block access to an entire category of movies, you can add the name of the show or movie you want to block in the “Restrict certain titles” section.

Netflix also made it easier to rate a movie before the first scene with a switch channel. Now, when you start the show, you will see the movie rating displayed prominently in the corner. Are you reconsidering the ban on viewing multiple programs? Just enter the PIN when selecting the prohibited header.


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