Add the App Folder to Your IPhone Dock

The app dock is the most accessible part of your iPhone. You can access it from any page on the home screen, and it’s nothing more than a single press of the Home button (or swiping up if you have an iPhone X ). However, if you are like me, you have criminally underestimated the dock by giving it separate icons instead of a folder.

There’s a lot going on in this screenshot (if you’re wondering how to add white space to the home screen, here’s a guide ), but I want to focus on that folder in the dock. In this case, it is jam-packed with messaging apps. This way, all your conversations are always at your fingertips, whether they happen on Facebook Messenger, Slack or Apple Messages.

You can apply the same idea to any type of application. Create a folder for all social media icons and paste it into your dock. You can also do the same for all your news apps or games.

One little trick to be aware of when setting up is that you can’t go the usual way of creating a folder by dragging and dropping one app on top of another if the other app is already in the Dock. For some reason, it just doesn’t work. Instead, you need to first create a folder on your regular home screen, open the dock space, and then drag the new folder to the free space.

Once that’s done, you have instant access to any number of apps, instead of limiting yourself to just four.


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