Learn to Create Web Applications With Node.js With This Magazine

If you’re new to building web apps, check out the first installment of You Got This! , a friendly magazine from the Glitch developer community. This installment covers the basic concepts of web servers and the npm package manager for Javascript. It also features career profiles from three of the top web developers in the community, and quick tips from a dozen more developers from places like Google, Mozilla, and Slack.

The npm package manager helps web developers build powerful sites and applications without having to build every component from scratch. As the magazine explains, “This allows JavaScript developers to reuse code that other developers have shared … A typical application or website would be tens or hundreds of small packages of code.” For example, a package might allow users to log into your site with their Facebook account. Npm updates all of your packages, so any bug fixes or new features will apply to your site as well.

Each conceptual explanation ends with a link to a Glitch project or course where you can learn how to design websites and web applications. The professional advice is aimed at the initial stage of programmer education and covers a wide range. At first glance, the messages may seem contradictory: one developer advises starting by making something work, while another says this approach slowed it down. But together they show a variety of development paths for a developer’s career, and they send a message: When you first learn to develop, take the approach that interests and motivates you.

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