Coconut Oil Will Get Rid of the Garlic Smell From Your Hands

Tips and tricks come to you when you even expect them. Just last week, I was chilling out after a tough cooking day with an episode of the new Queer Eye when culinary expert / T-shirt fan / new Ted Allen, Anthony Porowski, told the straight guy he was working on (they all mixed). together) that a little coconut oil will get rid of the unpleasant smell from even the most garlic hands.

People love to recommend coconut oil for everything from making popcorn to shaving (it clogs my pores, to be honest), so I was naturally suspicious but hoping cautiously. To make sure Porowski was telling the truth, I did what any normal person would do and rub a crushed clove of garlic between my hands for a good minute.

As you might guess, it smelled bad. Then I smeared my hands with coconut oil – I used refined because it was what I had – rubbed a little with it and rinsed off with a little dish soap. Then I wiped them off, put my hands to my face and took a deep breath. Not only did they not even smell a bit of garlic (or coconut), but my hands were pleasantly moisturized, ready for the next task.


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