How Did You Cope With the January Pull-up Competition?

In January of this year, we asked you to do a pull-up-oriented workout several times a week , either by doing pull-ups yourself (if you can) or exercises that will bring you closer to being able to do pull-ups. So how did it go?

Remember, adding reps is not the only indicator of success. If you can hold the bar in the bent arm for longer, this is a great achievement. Maybe your shape has improved , or maybe you feel great because you found that you love hand day and you are stronger than you thought.

I raised my chin again and can almost do two. My strict pull-ups are varied: some days I can do it, sometimes I miss an inch and I just can’t get over the bar. But this is progress! I’ve relaxed a lot since the last time I worked on the pull-ups , so this is a reminder to keep these exercises in my regular workout rotation.

There is still time to do another workout or two if you are just joining us or if you missed a few days and want to finish on a high note. And if you’ve managed to do your first pull-up, or switch to a pull-up option that wasn’t previously available, be sure to let us know!


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