How to Tame a Wild Horse

Have you ever wondered how horses from wild, mobile animals turned into the most faithful companions of people? Grab your lasso, put on your cowboy hat and get ready to become a horse whisperer. I mean, you probably never have to tame your horse, but if you’ve done it, that’s how masters do it.

In this video from BBC Earth on YouTube, you will see a Patagonian gaucho (a seasoned South American horse rider) tamed a wild horse as if he were some kind of wizard. Basically, your goal is to get the horse to trust you enough that you can safely approach it and prepare it for riding. Get the horse’s attention (make sure he is looking at you) and then be as calm as possible so that he knows you are not a threat. Reach out slowly and let it get used to your scent. If he is looking to the side, make him run, keeping your distance. Gaucho explains:

“What you have to do is get the horse’s attention. I chase him away several times until he realizes that when he looks at me, calm comes. But if he looks anywhere else, I’ll scare him. “

This tires the horse as it slowly but surely trains it to remain calm and focus on the gaucho. The whole process takes several hours – and of course should only be done by a professional – but it’s interesting to know how it’s done. Perhaps some of these tips can come in handy if you ever need to calm an already tamed horse that is getting out of hand.

Wild Patagonian Horses Masterfully Tamed – Wild Patagonia – BBC Earth | via Kottke


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